If you were to ask me why I love Jeff, it would well be within my nature to tell you that I just do. I just do. But that doesn’t explain very much, does it? You want to know why. What do I see in him? What makes him different from other men? How do I know that he’s the person I want to spend my life with? Well, I thought I might share some of the answers with you.
- The thing that stands out the most? I feel him. There is something in me that reacts to his presence in a way I’ve never reacted to anyone before - and I’ve noticed this since the day I met him. Sometimes I jokingly say that he makes my heart swell but I usually compare it to a kind of magnetic pull. That is probably the main reason that I have never given up on us. Even at our lowest, that pull has always been there and it’s something I’ve never felt for another living soul. It’s probably also why I continuously have the urge to rub my boobs against him.
- He is a man. Not just that he has a penis (although he does… and a lovely one, at that), he has an opinion. I don’t care if you agree with it, I don’t care it you think he’s cranky or difficult, he has a voice and he uses it. He doesn’t cower down to someone else’s ideal of who or what he should be, he doesn’t change his mind to get along or because he’s afraid of upsetting the pot. He is thought provoking and genuine, and I find that very attractive.
- He has manly hands and a manly body, and I like it when they are near me.
- He lets me be myself. If he’s not in a good mood, I don’t feel like I have to turn off my smile to appease him. I like to smile and I smile a lot, he doesn’t make me feel like there is anything wrong with that. (Believe it or not, I have been struggling with this issue for as long as I can remember.)
- Yet I don’t feel like I always have to be “on” for him. We are perfectly comfortable in silence together. I feel like I can be alone, even when he is in the room. That probably sounds weird but I like to be alone and he does, too, so it’s important that we can be alone and together at the same time.
- He has lived a big life. He has dealt with struggles that you and I cannot imagine and he has survived them and become a better person for them. I respect him a great deal for that.
- He is a wonderful father and continues to make an effort to be better. His love for Ruby shines out of every pore on his body. She is his life and he would do anything and everything for her. Ruby is a beautiful and funny little girl who is confident that she is loved and protected, she is free to be herself and encouraged to learn and improve. That is the best gift anyone can give a child.
- He cares about people. Even when he doesn’t want to, even when he struggles against it, he has a heart that is vast and deep. He has a great capacity for love because he feels every feeling 10x more than anyone I’ve ever known.
- My vagina throbs every time I see him, talk to him, get an email or voicemail or text from him. I won’t even try to describe how I react when he touches me.
- He makes me feel safe. As I mentioned, I tend to smile a lot. I can be a little ditzy, I guess… sometimes over-friendly. And people often want to take advantage of me because of that. With Jeff I can be exactly who I am and know that he would protect me if anyone tried to hurt me. I can’t even explain the value of that gift for me. Especially after all the time I’ve spent learning to let my real nature show, he helps with that immensely.
- I have fun with him. He makes me laugh. I love his humour, his wit, his perspective.
- I want to touch him all the time. And he lets me. And he likes to touch me, too. Not just in a sexual way, but connecting on an intimate level that goes beyond sex. And in a sexual way, too.
- I’m proud to be seen with him, I’m happy to walk down the street holding his hand.
- He lets me be independent but I know that when I need him, he will be there to help (i.e. helping me figure out how to use the bus).
- He and I have led almost completely opposite lives and yet our basic morals and beliefs are in complete sync.
- He shares his love of music, books and movies with me and exposes me to things I otherwise would never experience.
- He is a natural teacher and I love to learn new things. I ask a lot of questions and am used to people being impatient with me but he helps me find out what I want to know.
- He sings. He sings. I love it when he sings.
- He puts up with my girlness (even though I know it mostly drives him crazy), and he tries to make everything better. And he succeeds.
- He makes me want to be better, more than I already am. I need that in my life.
- Did I mention he has a big penis? Yeah, forget all the other stuff. That’s actually the real reason. ;-)
These are things that can’t be faked. These are things that cannot be learned. They just are.