Sunday, September 11, 2011

I just found the words

I wrote this on my Tumblr yesterday when I was frustrated by Rob's email regarding the post about my dad. He said he was sorry that Dad was taken from me in such a shitty unfair way. But I specifically said in my post that that's not the way I feel at all. That's the way he feels about the death of his dad and he projects those feelings on to me because he thinks I'm supposed to feel them, too. But I don't. This is one of the things that really drove me crazy when we were dating. He did that kind of thing constantly.

Anyway, the point of this post is that last night Jeff said he was hurt because I said no one gets me when I've told him that he does. I didn't know how to reply because I don't feel he gets me so much as he sees me. And I couldn't find the words to explain the difference.

He is the only person who understands who I am without me having to tell him, he just sees my soul in a way no one else ever has. He didn't need to know the details of my life, I don't need to explain what I need, he gives it to me without even knowing what it is. But he doesn't understand my view of the world any more than anyone else.

It drives him crazy that I like simple and girly things. He hates my choice of movies, books, music, even friends. Specifically to this instance, I know he could never understand the way I see the death of my father as a beautiful thing... no one can. He basically looks at life from the opposite angle than me. A yin and yang kind of thing. Not the same, but definitely complementary and right. He sees me but he certainly doesn't get me in the way I mean here.

Ironically, that's probably the thing I like about him the most. He is so much like me yet the absolute opposite in a million different ways. That's where the passion comes from. And it's the passion that will keep us together.