He didn't do anything wrong. He made a silly comment saying that he didn't have the snacks he wanted and life sucks. She commented that she had promised to send him stuff. The worst part is probably that he was already in bed when I saw the post and made my smart little remark and now I can't stop thinking about it.
But it really doesn't change anything. Honest. It's funny how accepting I am that these kinds of problems will come up from time to time. I think I see something I didn't quite get before and I'm not going to go running for the door just because something isn't going my way. I've made a commitment to him in my heart and I want this. I believe in him and I want to spend my life with him. And I will -I have to- give all I can give because, on the off chance it doesn't work out, I don't want it to be because we didn't do everything we could to make it work.
I love him. For reals, yo.
As goddamned scary as that may be.