Even when he's pissing me off or hurting my feelings or hogging the bed. How is that even possible? I mean, I've heard about such things but never did I actually believe it could happen for real.
When I used to say that no one "got" me, I honestly didn't know exactly what I meant by that. I just knew it hadn't happened. I've been with lots of people that I'm attracted to, that I get along with, there are many men that I think are funny, that I enjoy spending time with, that I respect and admire. It is true that I have never found so many of these elements in one man before Jeff but it's something more than that.
It's me pouting on the floor at 4am and him not giving into my behaviour at first but eventually asking me to come back to bed, putting his arms around me and telling me that he loves me. It's him eating breakfast without asking if I want some but then offering to make me a sandwich a few hours later when I'm actually ready to eat. It's him pulling his dick out and letting me go down on him for the first time and then telling me that it was the first time he's been able to orgasm from oral sex since he was a teenager. It's him then asking for money to go get some ice cream and reminding me that he's not perfect so I don't go getting all overly mushy and stupid silly girl. (heh heh) It's me talking about my fears that he isn't making an effort to find a job so we can get a place together and him applying for a ton of jobs and then actually getting a call that he's on right now.
I totally love this man. And I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And that excites me instead of scares me. How fucking awesome is that???????? So fucking awesome. So so so.
So. Awesome.
Fucker. ;-)