I asked Mom if I could bring her rings with me when I leave. She answered with a quick and blunt "no". When I asked why not she said she wouldn't give them to me until I knew what I was doing. I told her I do, we're getting married. I don't know when but I don't want them to be shipped in the mail or something. And I could start wearing the engagement ring.
I hate it when people try to control me like that. She gets off on the fact that she has control of me and it is really pissing me off. But she does. Financially, she is still in control.
Well, fuck you. We'll get other rings and I won't wear hers at all. Would that be better, Mother? What a waste. She shouldn't have said yes if she didn't mean it.
I fucking hate how... fuck this. I don't give a shit. I'm really really pissed off right now and this is not going to end well.