It was the "no matter what" part that concerned me. I replied asking if we're okay.
This is his reply: I am fine now. We being okay is more up to you. I realize you are female and disposed to bizarre emotions...I just need you to be logical. Look at what is really going on rather than what you think is.
Then I said: I'm all in, Jeff. Now and always.
Sometimes I am going to have feelings and emotions that you don't understand - I have no choice, they are a package deal with the vagina. I have tried a million different things throughout my life to get rid of or avoid them but it only makes things worse. I've learned that I have to deal with them so they don't build up and explode. And writing is how I let everything out and then step back to see if they are rational.
If I think my feelings are rational and need further remedy, I will bring them to you. In a calm and logical manner. If they are silly or temporary, I will keep them to myself. Does that work for you?
But there are going to be times when we bump heads - I don't think it's possible for two people to spend so much time together and not frustrate each other from time to time - and we need to learn how to disagree without getting to the point where we threaten to walk away. Because that's just downright scary.
These are things that will work themselves out. It will just take time. I will go to hell and back to be with you; I hope you feel that way, too.
Me: I know. I will do my best, I promise.
And everything is back to normal...