Obviously he was joking around but I didn't think it was very cool to make me out to be some psycho woman because I'm not -- well, I am but I try to contain it to this journal. So, already being drunk and upset, I sent a text asking why he was saying mean things about me. But we didn't need to talk about it at that moment, he said we do and that I should call. Which I did. I know all this because of the information I gathered on my phones. What I don't know is what happened next. And he is not replying to my texts and he's not online. It could be as simple as him being asleep. But, as more time passes, the likely hood of that is decreasing rapidly.
I thought we weren't going to do this this time. But it's been happening over and over and over. It's really getting on my nerves. I know he's tired and frustrated, I know it's hard to be apart. But fuck! This sucks. Immensely.