- taken from January edition of that coffee talk or whatever they call the thingy they have at restaurants.
We've heard it all, the inane question asked by sports commentators, "How did you hit that home run?" Followed by the equally inane answer by the player, who, fearing that the real answer will not be enough, gives us an elaborate, meaningless diatribe on what we have just seen.
It's safe to say that we have all met those who are unhappy with life. They blame their government, their union or professional association, their co-workers or competitors, the banks or international trade. Anything but themselves.
It is also safe to say that five years from now these people will be singing the same tune, only some of the words they may have changed. The life they lead will be the same, they will still be unhappy and will have had an affect on as many people as possible; "misery loves company". The reason they are that way is that they are not participants in life, they are spectators. Oh, they do the work they are doing, but they watch the changes happen, not make them happen. To have a life in which you are happy you must play the game.
So, how do you hit a home run? The answer that the ball player didn't give, the simple answer is... "I stepped up to the plate, focused, swung the bat and the rest is history."
Sometimes you'll hit a single or double and occasionally you will hit a home run. But nothing happens until you participate. Only then will you become a winner. We are all meant to be winners, we all have the ability. So step up to the plate, swing the bat and participate.