Yesterday morning
10 Truths from The Back of the Room
Been thinking about life much lately. Mine, ours, the ones that are gone. Ones that will go soon. And I have realized there’s a lot of wisdom I have gathered from the hard lived life. So in that vein and being vain, I’ll share a bit.
- Take care of your yourself first. Always look out for what is best for you. You can never ever be any good to anything or anyone else if you are broken down and busted. Emotionally, mentally or physically. This is not being selfish to care first for yourself, it’s being smart.
- Never believe what people tell you they are. Instead watch and learn. In silence we speak. Virtue and vice reveals itself. If a person tells you they are something often times it is just because they want you to believe they are that. Often these are false attributes that are either put-ons have very little depth.
- Listen to the message, not the messenger. Hear what is being said. Sometimes the truth is being told to us by the people we least want to hear it from.
- Just because it feels good does not mean it’s right. I have seen a lot of people do a lot of damaging and downright stupid things because it felt good to them. All the while proclaiming they are living life the way they want.
- Conversely. Never ever rob someone of a mistake. The worst wrong we can do to someone else is to take away from them the learning that can come from making an error.
- Mercy is not always what we think or want it to be. Remember this. People suffer in many different ways. And any relief they find, while you may find it hard to understand or even find it condemnable, is a mercy. Don’t damn someone for trying to find peace, the world is a hard place.
- The good are always outnumbered by the bad. So when you find good always raise a flag. Always give it praise. Always show gratitude. Turn that basket off the lamp. Let a light shine.
- Love is never easy. Never. But it’s always worth it.
- Don’t get tied down to what you think you should be, where you should be or who you should be. Always be ready to change. To move. Transcendence is change above and beyond what we expected. Don’t spend too much time grieving what you thought would be. That can quickly turn into a black spot on your soul and that black spot can become cancerous. So many of the lost ones out there are lost because they never let go.
- Everyday tell someone you love them, tell someone you care, tell someone they count. It may seem a silly exercise. But you may be the lone warm voice they hear. You may be the one little light in a bleak time. It isn’t too hard. You may save a life. In my darkest times I would remember the words and gestures of the people who said I mattered and who showed me I counted. These people said to me “Your life is worth something” and while it may not have kept me from living my life hard. It kept me from forgetting, I don’t have to live like this.
Meditate on it.
Yesterday afternoon
I am proud of her!
I love her and I am always inspired by her.
Today she got some great news…I ain’t saying…
But…I am proud of her.
Have I mentioned today
How much I love my missus and I am proud of her.
I got two very special women in my life a little girl and a woman who counts.
That’s all a man needs.